Top Financial Tips For College Students

The college students often have to face issues while handling their finances. With sky rocketing fee structures of our schools and educational institutes, the problem seems to be turning from bad to worse. Luckily, you always have a rescue in the form of certain financial tips, which you being a student can use and face things the right way. Let’s check top financial tips for college students.

Be wary of your credit

Most of the students carrying credit cards and end up ruining their credit records to a great extent. You can find students shopping a number of things, but the way the credit card bills backfire you is hard to visualize while shopping the tempting products online. Remember, credit card is no free money, you have to pay for it and if you choose going lazy with it, get prepared to pay double and triple for the money you owe. If you want to go with a credit card consider the one, which is safer for the students and secondly always keep a check for the credit score and credit reports.

Set a budget and stick to it

Always chalk out a proper budget without exceeding your limits. Make sure you chalk out the way you receive and spend your money on a monthly basis. Keep a track of everything you spend instead of visiting your ATM frequently. You can find a number of applications and tools, which can help you in treading safe while you spend money. Avoid exorbitant events like parties and discs as these can eat out your wallet way before the month says good bye.

Save early and too often

The life of student has limited requirements; hence you have better opportunities to save your money. If you are able to save around 3000 dollars a year in the age span of 20 to 30 years, you can think of putting the same at IRA at the 7 percent average annualize rate of return, which you can end up getting a very good amount at another 20 to 30 years. So make sure you save your money on a regular basis. You can easily skip the pizza or certain pitchers of beer in a week in order to save some money, which can be used for your retirement plans.

Leverage the student perks

Avoid putting extra money on things like food if your college or hostel has a cafeteria. The research college meal programs can prove out to be much cheaper than the food you find outside. You may fail to find the buttery and delicious food at these places but they charge less and can help you in saving some money at the end of every month.

Borrow as less as you can

Borrowing money or any other things that can cost you can really put you in debt. As per reports, an average negligent college student is seen at the debt of 23,000 dollars in a year. Make sure you borrow money only when you really need them. Do explore a number of other options before you think of going with a student loan.

Claire Reed is a finance writer for Loves to write about social media, technology and banking.

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One Response to “Top Financial Tips For College Students”

  1. Phil Bradford

    Jan 19. 2016

    Yes you have to set your budget first. A planned budget will make you mange better financial decisions ahead. Nice piece Aabia..

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