Why Choose a Career in Computer Technology?

Computers is a great career stream to explore these days, especially if you’re residing in Canada. Why? Computers have pretty much taken over the world; we use them to do everything from drive our cars to doing our taxes. Seriously, look around you, I bet you’ll find at least one device that has computing capabilities within 10 feet of you. Whether it’s a cell phone, an ATM machine, a laptop, a tablet, a desktop, a car’s command console…you see where I’m going with this right? And of course, you’re definitely reading this piece itself on just such a device.

It’s crazy how much we depend on computers to make our lives easier and less complicated, but that’s the funny bit, computers although they make are lives simpler, are inherently complicated machines. Being complicated machines, they require specialists to design software, fix issues and provide a variety of other solutions and tech support to those who aren’t the most dialed in to this kind of thing. So obviously, demand for professionals in the avenue of computer technology will be in high demand across the globe.

Specifically in Canada though, I can (and will) provide you with proof that there is an acute shortage of computer tech pros, and it’s the perfect time to explore this dearth of quality individuals.

Computer Technology – now is the time

  • The vacuum. A lot of tech people from Canada are being lured away to other countries (primarily the US) thanks to the better pay there, so there’s a dire need for qualified professionals at all levels to work in this field. Don’t believe me? There was an article about this very topic on the Financial Post’s website. Check it out if you want an in-depth look into the lack of quality available. Here’s the most important bit in my eyes though: “Right now, only one in 10 organizations in Canada is able to meet critical IT needs in emerging areas like mobile, cloud computing, analytics and social media.” 1 in 10…let that sink in for a minute.
  • We’re advertising these opportunities to foreigners. Yep, you read buy levitra online usa that right, in the Canadian immigration newsletter, there was a whole article titled ‘Information Technology Workers Thrive in Canada.’ This piece talked about the need for IT professionals in the country and invited immigrants with skills to fulfill these vacancies by coming to Canada. Here’s an excerpt that will give you a clearer picture: “In 2013 The Information and Technology Association of Canada stated that “success in recruiting and retraining foreign trained professionals is key to business health”. Indeed, with a predicted 106,000 unfilled IT jobs in the next four years alone, foreign workers are likely to become increasingly necessary to ensure the industry’s continued growth.

In a recent study for Industry Canada, it was revealed that every interviewed IT firm was actively hiring new employees. Of these, three quarters believed that there was a significant lack of local Canadian talent, and a full two thirds used foreign recruitment to retain a significant percentage of their new hires.”

  • The money is good. On an average, a computer tech pro earns $45,000+ according to The Government of Canada’s Service Canada Website, which also gives you a more detailed lowdown on what you’re expected to do in this kind of job and a lot of other details. If you want a breakdown of that by the hour and based on the region of the country, check out this page on the government of Canada’s Job Bank website, on a country-wide average according to Job Bank, that’s about $24 per hour.
  • You don’t need a specific degree. To get a job as a computer technician, you needn’t have a degree in computer science or the like. You just need to pass the exam and get a Comp TIA A+ certification. You don’t need to face the daunting task of preparing for it on your own either, because there are courses such as the one provided by Career Step can help you do so.

So for those who are just graduating and deciding which career stream to explore, do you really need any more convincing?

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One Response to “Why Choose a Career in Computer Technology?”

  1. Tina

    Jul 28. 2020

    Computer technology is our future, so it’s a wise choice to go into it 🙂

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