Helping Young Minds Become Digitally Literate – Top 6 Ways Explained

The present-day phenomenon of global digitalization is technology’s own way of enabling the generation and many more to come in exploring, reinventing, and embracing an advancement that can help them tread towards the summit of digital accuracy and success. And there’s no denying every generation is barely complete without the young minds, the learners and the achievers.

Being an educator if you find it’s imperative to train and educate your students to become digitally fluent, you are absolutely on a progressive track. Here are top 6 ways one can adopt and utilize in order to teach and inspire students to keep pace with a world which is becoming digitally inclined with every passing day.

1. Teach Your Students and Introduce Them to the Basics

If you have a group of young learners and students belonging to the primary levels of academics, then start the journey towards building a digitally literate classroom by explaining and assigning them interactive exercises based on the utilization of MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel and the likes.

If you are a teacher appointed for higher secondary school, then in accordance with the teaching standard you can introduce and explain the concept of coding, HTML, Flash and the likes. These are the basics requisite for every digital learning programme.

2. Introduce Them to the Fundamentals of Internet

Introducing students to the different fundamentals of the internet is one of the crucial steps to be put forward when it comes to promoting digital literacy.

Take this up as a responsibility to educate students with internet functionalities. This will give them an idea of the basic operations, thus, enabling the young minds to grow further interest in exploring the digital world.

3. Teach and Explain to Your Students Different Online Searching Skills

Mere introduction to the internet isn’t enough to ensure digital fluency in students, unless they know how to search things on it.

Not everything on the internet is real and reliable. Whereas there are ways such as utilizing filtered search and information encryption methodologies, enabling ad-block applications and the likes that can keep search results safe and free from all sorts of third-party intervention and biasness.

4. Emphasize the Significance of Digital Classrooms

Published in, according to a 2016 survey conducted in the United States, it was found that about 67% respondents had admitted using online videos related to education and learning in the classroom. In addition to it, the usage rate of educational software and apps was 65%. Thus, it’s a clear indication how educators and students have already synced perfectly to take academics to a whole new level of advancement. So, why not you?

Take a step ahead, and set up a digital classroom or at least introduce the idea and educate students regarding utilization of educational apps, software and digital blackboards in order to learn, communicate and express things in a much easier and interesting way.

5. Train Your Students to Navigate Websites and Use Apps

Everything, at the end of the day, is incomplete without training and explanation, especially when it comes to helping students become digitally fluent and tech-savvy. So, consider teaching your students how to navigate applications, visit websites and use its elements substantially.

Hands-on training is always a nice way to educate students in using digital devices and resources which can assist them in smart education and e-learning in the near future.

6. Start Communicating with Them via Digital Platforms

Communication is perhaps another vital aspect to be considered when it comes to digital learning and helping students embrace the same. These days augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are two of the most significant and talked about modes of digital communication technicality which can be utilized in order to share information, teach and explain certain subject matters and functionalities.

You can even choose to communicate with students digitally via applications like Skype, Google Hangout and the likes. Such tools might just make video conferencing with students and parents much easier and smarter to carry out.

Thus, in this modern world of continuous digital advancements and an era where even foods get delivered at your doorstep with the help of quick delivery apps, education is a sector that certainly needs the required attention, as far as helping students keep the pace with a digitally advanced environment is concerned.


Author Bio:

Marceline Joseph is an online educator, programmer and an academic writer associated with Assignment Help Company. Besides being associated with the education and teaching industry, Marceline is a passionate stamp collector and chess player.

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Life Time Student and education blogger related to student life online and campus living, master degrees and executive programs. Never stop learning by inspiration through passion

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