Your Career Path To Becoming An Inventor

When you look at a Kleenex box, what do you see? Do you simply see a cardboard box designed for dispensing tissues? Or do you see something more– a piñata, a remote boat, or a disposable pair of shoes? If your half-empty box of tissues gets your creative juices flowing, and you have an innate ability to use everyday items in new and exciting ways, you may have what it takes to become a successful inventor.

“I call it the ‘Shoe Box.’ Get it?”

How exactly does one prepare for a career as an inventor? Thankfully, you have a few options that could lead to a lucrative livelihood of transforming innovative ideas into reality.

Industrial Designer

You use the products of an Industrial Designer, otherwise known as a Product Developer, everyday–multiple times. Yes, this inventor extraordinaire is responsible for developing everything from the latest sports car to your toaster oven. How does this happen? An idea takes shape in the Industrial Designer’s mind, they render it on to paper, build a prototype, and perform a thorough product evaluation. And, if all goes according to plan, their client will be content and launch the new product.

Typically, an Industrial Designer possesses a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Design or a related field such as engineering or architecture. You may wish to further your knowledge by pursuing a Master’s Degree in Product Design and Development. Acquiring your AutoCAD certification may also improve your job prospects. It is also important for a hopeful Industrial Designer to possess a few innate qualities such as mechanical, artistic, and problem-solving skills. An analytical nature is also a helpful attribute for an inventor.

According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the median wage for industrial designers was $59,610 in 2012, however, the projected growth rate was significantly slower than that of most occupations.

Computer and Information Research Scientist

A career as a Computer and Information Research Scientist is perfect for someone who possesses the spirit of an inventor, a head for computers, and a love of technology. What do they levitra online in uk have to do with inventing? These are the individuals that are commissioned with the task of coming up with new computer technologies, processes, and languages, as well as developing innovative ways to use the technologies that we already have. They can also be found in the field of robotics.

If you are a highly attentive, analytical thinker and a keen problem-solver with a head for numbers and computers, have a knack for communicating clearly, and a love for conducting research, you may enjoy working as a Computer and Information Research Scientist. “What Does a Computer and Information Research Scientist Do?” states that most people who hold this job possess a Ph.D. in Computer Science or Computer Engineering. And, according to the BLS, the median pay in 2012 for Computer and Information Research Scientists was $102,190 with the projected job growth being faster than average.

The Side Line Inventor

Some people opt to be an inventor as a sideline to their main career. For example, the firefighter may come up with a device that saves lives, or the bicycle repair technician may devise a useful cycle-related gadget. If this appeals to you, it is best to pursue an education in the field that most interests you–whatever that may be–and become an inventor based on your specialized knowledge.

As “Top Advice for Aspiring Inventors” reminds us, “some of the best inventions were made accidentally.” So, while you’re on your job, you may find yourself struck by a sudden inspiration that just may lead to the next big thing. And, if you don’t, you will still have a career in your field of interest to fall back on.

No matter which option you choose, you can equip yourself with the right tools to become the Thomas Edison of the next generation. So, stop staring at the Kleenex box and get on with it.

What would you invent with a Kleenex box?

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I am a freelance writer, avid blogger, illustrator, and aspiring novelist who thinks the world is a terribly funny place filled with bizarre things to observe--and, of course, comment on. You can follow her somewhat neurotic and OCD ramblings at The Embiggens Project and at Searching for Barry Weiss.

5 Responses to “Your Career Path To Becoming An Inventor”

  1. Clara

    Oct 09. 2019

    Good day . My 9 years old wants to be an inventor when he grow up, can you help me him to understand better about this career.

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  2. Zion Green

    Nov 05. 2019

    Can someone the age of 17 join

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  3. Julie Austin

    Dec 09. 2019

    I am an inventor and don’t have any college education at all. I also manufacture and distribute my product internationally. Most inventors are not scientists or engineers. If you watch Shark Tank you’ll see that they are just regular people who spotted a problem or found a solution to a problem that others didn’t see. To become an inventor you need to have curiosity about the world around you and find opportunities others miss.

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    • Yan

      Dec 13. 2019

      Julie I am fascinated with your work but also curious about your invention. May I know some of it

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  4. Susan

    Jan 22. 2020

    I am an inventor and will be rich soon in fact, haha 😀

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