Could College Lectures Work in High School?

If you have ever sat through a college lecture, no doubt you notice the professor using all sorts of techniques to keep the class interested and prevent the students from yawning or catching 40 winks during that time.  Continue Reading →

Degrees to Think About for 2013

Academia has changed drastically over the last decade. The cost of tuition is on the rise while the job market is on a decline for many of the former popular fields of study. This has left current and potential students with the question of what degree is the best ... Continue Reading →

How a Finance Degree Helps You Through Life

Studying finance in college can take you far in both your professional career and your personal life. There are many advantages to learning the ins and outs of the financial system, and you can use this knowledge throughout your life. Becoming a finance major is ... Continue Reading →

Ways to Turn Your Company’s Culture on Its Head

As a manager or business owner, you know how difficult it can be to keep reliable, trustworthy employees. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why this is true? In many instances, employees leave their jobs because of the culture of the workplace. In fact, many ... Continue Reading →