Degrees to Think About for 2013

Academia has changed drastically over the last decade. The cost of tuition is on the rise while the job market is on a decline for many of the former popular fields of study. This has left current and potential students with the question of what degree is the best ... Continue Reading →

Five Easy Ways to Get Your Brain Ready for College

It should come as no surprise to you that your brain will be your biggest asset in college. Chances are that you take care of the other organs in your body, but you need to make sure that you’re keeping your brain just as healthy. If you’ve been neglecting ... Continue Reading →

No Money for College? Think Again

According to the College Board, the current, average, yearly cost of attending college is $22,261. A private college will cost you even more, averaging just over $43,000 per year. At first glance, these numbers may make it seem like a college education is out of ... Continue Reading →

Common College Crimes Every Student Should Avoid

College is supposed to be the best four years of your life; you can’t enjoy them very much, however, if you’re in jail. (Uh oh!) As much as we’d like to think that college students spend their free time in the library, they’re up to a heck of a lot more ... Continue Reading →