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Stocking Stuffers For Your Favorite College Student

Nothing beats the anticipation of discovering a pudgy Christmas stocking with your name on it overflowing with mysterious contents. It’s true. No matter how old you get, everyone loves stocking stuffers. And the best stocking stuffers are the fun ones–the ones that don’t take themselves seriously and, instead, promise a laugh, a chuckle, or a hearty guffaw.

But what do you put in a stocking that belongs to a college student?

Buying for your favourite college kid is easier than you think. Here are a few light-hearted gifts that they will love and remember in the years to come. And, they won’t cost you a fortune.

1. Perfect for the Accident Prone

If your favourite college student suffers from a higher-than-average rate of spastic moments and accidental injuries, they may get a kick out of one of the “Dumb Ways to Die” Plush characters. Based on a public service campaign launched by the Metro Trains in Melbourne, Australia, these hapless characters illustrate what can happen when you fail to heed safety and common sense. With six different stuffed friends to choose from–the one who drove around the boom gates at a level crossing, the one who dressed up like a moose at hunting season, the one that tried to pull his toast out with a fork, the one who had a pet rattlesnake as a pet, the one who set his hair on fire, and the one who fell off the train station platform–you will be bound to find the right one for your “throw caution to the wind” loved one. Plus, when you squeeze a “Dumb Ways to Die” Doll, it plays the “Dumb Ways to Die” song. Cool!

2. Ideal for the Shelf-less Showerer

For some, taking a shower at college can become a complicated feat involving a juggling and balancing act of multiple oddly-shaped bottles of product. And, an absence of adequate buy levitra in australia shelving can make it doubly difficult. A trusty “shower squid,” however, can solve your container woes by giving you nine–yes, nine. Don’t ask–helping hands. Yes, these adjustable tentacles hold on tight to your toiletry needs, keeping them within easy reach and out from under foot. Plus, this cute addition to your bathroom decor comes in a variety of colors. And he won’t complain when you sing in the shower.

3. Made for the Avid Pencil Sharpener

There is always one kid in every college classroom who spends more time at the pencil sharpener than in their seat. Whether they simply appreciate a really sharp writing implement or they, in fact, love the aroma of freshly shaven graphite, the No. 2 Pencil Candle will enable them to relive their beloved grade school days without marring a single pencil. Plus it’s American-made.

4. For Fun on the Run at College

If your college student gets easily bored between–or even during–classes, they may appreciate an inexpensive and lightweight tablet. Whether they opt to play Candy Crush Soda, keep tabs on their social media accounts, or look something up for school, there are a myriad of affordable tablets to choose from in varying styles and colors.

5. Cooked Up For the Bacon Fiend

While there seems to be a plethora of products on the market to satisfy even the most avid bacon aficionado’s appetite, there is one that you likely have not yet encountered–the ManHands Soap. Yes, your fan of fried pork will go hog wild over this bacon scented hand soap. And, despite its boyish name, women like it too. What college kid would disagree?

With the Big Day looming, there is no time like the present to grab a few fun gifts. What are you waiting for? Grab that sock and start stuffing.

What do you look forward to finding in your stocking every year?

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