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Beauty and Fashion Tips for Men

Most beauty and fashion tips are always geared towards women, so we wanted to highlight some tips for men. Here are 10 tips for looking more handsome.

  1. Whiten Your Teeth. Teeth whitening is one of the easiest tips that will give you the most bang for your buck. You can see a dentist and have your teeth whitened professionally or you can pick up a simple teeth whitening kit from your local grocery store market.
  2. Eye Drops. Eye drops get the red out and leave your eyes sparkling and clear. This is likely something that you have never thought of but having clear and sparkling eyes can really help your appearance. The eyes are windows to the soul and they are so important in making connections and communicating.
  3. Use Facial Lotion. Applying lotion to your face at least once a day will help keep your face moisturized and healthy looking. There are plenty of men’s products like that that are made especially for men. Perhaps you need something to soothe your face from shaving irritation. When choosing a men’s facial moisturizer, be sure to choose one with sun screen in it to protect your skin and keep you looking younger for longer.
  4. Invest in a Steamer. Making sure to iron and/or steam your clothes will make all the difference in the world. If you are wearing something that needs to be pressed and creased, then an iron is necessary. However, a steamer is often much quicker and easier to get the wrinkles out. Wearing wrinkle free clothing allows you to feel more confident and feel better about yourself. A steamer can ensure that you don’t have that “just rolled out of bed” look in just a few minutes.
  5. Find a Good Tailor. This is something that you might think of as old fashioned, but having your clothes custom tailored to fit you can ensure that your clothes look your best. Most clothes you purchase will not fit you exactly the way that you want. A tailor can help to make sure that your clothes fit you and highlight your body style and make you look your best.
  6. Use the Clothes Dryer Less. Often times the dryer adds wear and tear to your clothing. The majority of your non-active wear should be dry cleaned or dry cleaned. This will help keep your clothes looking new longer.
  7. Maintain a Healthy Tan. You can still maintain a healthy tan while still being careful about your exposure to the sun. A tan can help your appearance and keep you looking healthy. This can still be achieved by spending time in the sun but wearing the proper recommended sun protection for your area.
  8. Trim Down a Few Pounds. Keeping a healthy weight is always a challenge. If you are trying to keep slim or even lose a few pounds, just try to cut out carbs a few meals per week. This is an easy way to still eat what you like and moderate just a few meals.
  9. Copy a Celebrity’s Hair Style. Your hair dresser can help you out with this idea. Celebrities get a lot of help with their hair, so you can use this to your advantage and take a short cut. Find a celebrity that looks similar to you in hair color and the shape of your face. The shape of your face makes a huge difference in how well a hair style looks on you. Then you can copy the style of a celebrity who shares similar features and see what a difference that makes.
  10. Shoes. Women focus on shoes a lot; but a good pair of stylish shoes will go a long way towards making your look special, unique, and fashionable.

As you can see, there are some great beauty and fashion tips that men can use to help improve their style and appearance. Even though most beauty tips are geared towards women, men can use these tips to improve their look too. A few easy changes will make a big difference.

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