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Safely Land on a Perfect Job with an Amplified LinkedIn Profile

On the internet, in books and newspapers there is one buzz word that is most discussed. Every single individual belonging to 21st century is influenced by this term “social media”. Undoubtedly human lives have been influenced by the world of connectivity: Where socialization has been shifted from physical regimes to completely virtual ones leaving no need for face-to-face interaction. When it comes to career opportunities, we have a pool of such tools that would amplify an individual’s chances for growth.

Where Informal interaction is catered by face book, formal or professional world is best supported by LINKEDIN. It is indeed a huge network that makes a web for corporate world bringing alike and similar minds together, helping individuals hire people that would prove to be assets later and above all serving as the most sleek communication forum for professional tycoons. There are thousands of examples that verify the effectiveness of this social media tool. I myself am evident of how people can easily reach to you with the help of your attractive and updated profile.

Now the point is how you make sure your profile is amplified enough to receive invitations from good companies? Well, this is your main ground, you need to play real smart here, and there are few essentials you need to follow, let’s get a look at them:

Your picture

Firstly you need to ensure that your profile picture is not something that portrays you as a model ready to go on a ramp walk. The more decent and sophisticated you look in that mini photo the more pleasant impact will it make.

The tagline

Many people shrug off at this point; they would write a sentence crammed with adjectives merely trying to create an impression. But they forget that a simple catchy statement would replace those 120 flaunting words. Your tagline is your home ground; you need to hit a big shot there.

The summary

It has to have some interactive and intriguing set of words. Make sure you optimize it with keywords making it an arena of self-marketing. More over your summary shall be precise and to the point. The reader shall be impressed enough to review your entire profile once he sifts through your summary.


Every single experience matters. Well I personally suggest that whatever career you have chosen for life time shall be given more attention. For instance back in high school you worked in a call centre for two months, or you did some part time work in a restaurant, you don’t have to mention it now when you have done jobs in field of finance and marketing. Your experiences shall be related to the broader and core field only.

Skills and expertise

Be modest please. Bragging about your skills and adding up a million to the list won’t help; it’ll get you a pail of embarrassment once you are asked to prove what you mentioned. Be very honest here. Just add up those skills which you can self-grade above 90%.

Connections and groups

The more active you are the more beneficial will it be. Your connections are those seeds that will get you good harvest. You shall seek for the most high quality ones. Join groups that swarm around your interest, be interactive by commenting on their activities. Plus endorse people for their skills and get the favors back. Make your profile optimized with key words and a magnet for headhunters!

So, there you go- a perfect guideline to setting up a perfect profile for a perfect job.

Helen Dina is a passionate education (and career) consultant currently working at She has written many publications in these areas for the sole purpose of teaching and helping readers with their academic and professional problems. She can be found lurking around Twitter.

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