Is the Resistance to Change Harming Human Service Organizations?

Leadership expert John Kotter has cautioned that more than 70% of attempts to create change within an organization ultimately result in failure. Unfortunately, in instances related to human service organizations where finances are often limited and internal discourse ... Continue Reading →

How to Find Financial Aid for Nursing School

Because the baby boom generation is now on the other side of the mid-century mark, the need for good nurses continues to grow. The welfare of the nation depends on quality healthcare, and this means that grants, scholarships, and loans for students desiring to ... Continue Reading →

Final Exam Countdown: Trading Sleep for Scores

Student life is the time of young individuals evolving and gaining fundamental skills as the basics for all further development steps of a student. Coordinating all of your college classes, internships, researches and study tasks is the real challenge of being ... Continue Reading →

Are Mutual Funds Relevant for College Students?

Investors are constantly looking for new ways to earn larger returns on their investments. Because of this, many old options have become obsolete (or at least undesirable). Here is a look at how mutual funds are viewed by today’s smartest investors. Continue Reading →

A Good Internet Connection is Essential for Students

Whether you’ve moved house or are simply having Internet installed for the first time, it’s important that you understand your choices. While you may not have many choices when it comes to a type of provider, you do have a decision to make when it comes ... Continue Reading →

What It Also Takes To Complete Grad School

We all dream of that glorious day when we dress up in black gowns and wear the coveted academic cap. But like all other valuable occasions, graduating requires great effort and planning. From the day you begin grad school to the day you are distributing your graduation ... Continue Reading →

Presentation Tips for a great Seminar

If you’ve been asked to speak at a conference or host a seminar, you may be shaking in your boots. Not only is the thought of speaking in public nerve-wracking, but being in charge of a seminar that no one wants to attend can be downright petrifying. Instead ... Continue Reading →