10 reasons to pursue a career in Java programming

Java has undoubtedly proved that it is one of the best programming languages ever. Its use in developing apps for mobile applications is quite popular. Even though many new programming languages like Perl, PHP, Python, etc. have taken over the market for their unique features, Java continues to be a much loved and appreciated language due to its staunch legacy.

Here are some reasons why a career in Java is profitable at best:

#1 – An easy way out

Learning Java is very easy. Although developing apps seems to be a very complicated process, learning to code them in Java is not all that difficult. A short Java certification course can easily get you over the fence. The syntax in Java is written in English, e.g. Generics angle brackets, which can be easily read and learnt. After becoming familiar with installing Java, setting up the PATH, and understanding how this Class path works, it becomes quite easy to begin programming in Java.

#2 – It is object oriented

With Java you can create an application in object oriented programming language. This language cannot be assessed to its 100% potential, yet by using Java you can make a very similar splash in the pool of technology. Java can be very easily used to simplify actions and changes without actually having to write the entire code again. Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, and Polymorphism are the main concepts that are used in Java.

#3 – Positive response

Java as a programming language is quite popular. It has a lot of support, both from consumers and industries. It was officially sponsored by Oracle and has since then massed a very large fan-following. The different aspects of the language are constantly evolving to stay at par with the advancements in technology. Java open-source libraries are huge and can be accessed by any programmer. The Java forum, Stack overflow, is quite active in helping out seasoned and amateur programmers.

#4 – Professional degree not required

A great attribute of this language, one does not necessarily require a professional degree to become a programmer. To begin with, you must have proper knowledge of Java files, and know from where to download Java editors and compilers. Then you need to educate yourself with the help of online training courses like Oracle Java training courses to begin writing your first line of code. After this you could go for a professional certification degree to get that additional edge.

#5 – Certifications for money

A certification in Java can definitely take you places. It is quite a lucrative course, more so because of the increased salary package that it provides. According to the 2009 Certification Magazine Salary Survey, the average annual salary for Sun Certified levitra online safe Java programmers is:

  • Sun Certified Java Associate – $84.52
  • Sun Certified Web Component Developer – $88.52
  • Sun Certified Java Programmer – $93.75
  • Sun Certified Business Component Developer – $93.91
  • Sun Certified Java Developer – $107.4
  • Sun Certified Enterprise Architect – $108.36

#6 – Rich APIs make the work easier

API refers to “application programmable interface”. Java has a rich API, which means that the library of Java programming language has a large collection of commonly used codes and functionalities. Hence, many codes do not require to be implemented manually and can be sourced directly from the library to save time and resources.

#7 – It is FREE

Anything free is always appreciated and welcomed. Learning Java is one attribute which can be achieved online without any cost to the programmer. It is a language which is free from the start, hence; you do not need to spend a buck on developing a new application. If the app is innovative and it works, who knows you might earn something without spending a buck.

#8 – The excitement it brings

Having knowledge about this programming language can be very exciting. With the right resources you could be an active member in the development of a cool and contemporary application which could become viral and indirectly put you on the map as a famous programmer. Java can give you power in these times of progressive technology.

#9 – Going higher and higher

With a powerful tool such as Java you will never find yourself in the lurch when it comes to employment, knowledge, money, or prestige. This is one field which will only continue to develop in times to come. Java is everywhere. It has made a comfortable niche for itself in the technology market and will surely continue to prosper in the near future.

#10 – Increased career opportunities

With an in-depth knowledge of Java, you can easily work as an android developer. Android mobile OS is the current market leader in mobile technology. Many companies, including start-ups and e-commerce industries, are rapidly adapting to mobile app strategies and hence are in dire need of good mobile developers.

Since the mobile platform is mostly dominated by android, individuals with a sound knowledge of Java will definitely have an edge over others and will surely find employment here. Many new enterprises have their corporate offices in Delhi/NCR. Hence, finding core or advance Java jobs in Delhi is not a herculean task anymore.

Author Bio:

Tina Jindal is a professional content writer who works on a variety of topics like employment, real estate, and education. She has been involved with renowned publications and has tried her hand at editing works on Cookery, Gardening, Pregnancy, and Healthcare. She loves to travel and is crazy about dogs. You can contact her at tinajindal38@gmail.com and google.com/+TinaJindal.

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10 reasons to pursue a career in Java programming, 10.0 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

3 Responses to “10 reasons to pursue a career in Java programming”

  1. kiran sahu

    Aug 17. 2018

    Great article..!!
    I found it very useful for me as I just completed my 12th and was planing to do career in java..
    Thanks for posting..

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  2. epson printer error 0x69

    Nov 08. 2018

    the article mentioned here is really very nice to get the entire guidance on how to execute the java programs on the system and how could utilize the java in real-life.

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  3. online java training

    Dec 17. 2018

    Excellent read, Positive site, where did u come up with the information on this posting? really helpful post. great sharing. I really like java language very easy to learn. keep up the immense work!

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